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Premier Hotel Dnister allocated 100,000 UAH for the restoration of the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital
  • 17.07.2024
On July 8, 2024, Russia launched a powerful missile strike on Kyiv, seriously damaging the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital. We are deeply saddened by this tragic incident and extend our heartfelt condolences to all those affected. Our hotel has allocated 100,000 UAH for the restoration of the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital. These funds will be direct...
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Premier Hotels and Resorts support Okhmatdyt Hospital after missile strike
  • 15.07.2024
On July 8, Russia launched one of the most powerful missile strikes on the capital of Ukraine. The largest children's hospital, Okhmatdyt, was under attack and suffered significant damage. The Premier Hotels and Resorts chain, a long-time friend and partner, expresses its support for the hospital during this difficult time. We have allocat...
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213,000 UAH for Supporting Important Initiatives from Premier Hotel Dnister
  • 14.07.2024
In June, our hotel allocated 213,000 UAH to support important initiatives. This amount was distributed among several significant events and projects that are crucial for our community. We participated in the Donor Day event organized by the "With an Angel on the Shoulder" charity fund, the "Patsiorky Fest" festival, supporting defenders and protect...
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"Legal Ramstein" – the most important event of March took place within the walls of the Dnister Hote
  • 01.04.2023
"Legal Ramstein" – the most important event of March took place within the walls of the Dnister Hotel.The hotel became part of a historic event - the international conference "United for Justice", which took place in early March in Lviv. These days, the conference halls of Premier Hotel Dnister have turned into a place of meeting and dialo...
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Premier Palace Hotel Kyiv на благодійній основі прийняв міжнародний конгрес «Діти та війна»
  • 29.01.2023
26 січня 2023 року в готелі відбулась знакова для української та міжнародної медичної спільноти подія – конгрес «Діти та війна. Сучасні виклики психологічної допомоги та реабілітації в період воєнного часу». Ініціаторами заходу стали провідні фахівці Національної дитячої спеціалізованої лікарні МОЗ України «Охматдит». Premier Palace Hotel Kyiv,...
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Premier Hotels continue to operate as usual. Shareholders defend their property in court
  • 14.12.2022
Ukrainian hotels operating under the brand Premier Hotel and Resorts continue their daily work. Legal processes related to the proof of ownership of hotels to European shareholders do not affect the full fulfillment of obligations to partners and hotel guests.Since the European shareholders of Premier hotels are facing allegations that hav...
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The court refused to arrest the Dnister hotel
  • 19.09.2022
The decision on seizure of property was canceled, the request of the prosecutor's office was rejected.On September 12, 2022, the decision of the Lviv Court of Appeal overturned the decision of the investigating judge to seize the property of the Dnister Hotel and rejected the request of the prosecutor's office.The basis for the court's decision was ...
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Almost 61 mln UAH were sent by Premier hotels to support Ukrainians and the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • 04.09.2022
On the International Day of Charity, we share the results of humanitarian and volunteer activities of Premier hotels, the lion's share of which was directed to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial defense units, military medics - it is almost 55 million hryvnias. Hotels sent another 4.8 million hryvnias for accommodation and food in...
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Almost 4.3 million UAH have been allocated by the Dniester Hotel to humanitarian and charitable acti
  • 04.09.2022
On the International Day of Charity, we report on our humanitarian and volunteer activities. Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the hotel has been actively helping temporarily displaced persons and refugees. Hundreds of people found shelter in our charity shelter. For these needs, the hotel allocated almost 2.4 million hryvnias.We do not...
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  • 25.08.2022
Адміністрація ПрАТ ТГК «Дністер» (Товариство) повідомляє, що готель продовжує свою повсякденну роботу задля комфорту та безпеки українських та міжнародних гостей. Немає жодних юридичних підстав для обмежень, які могли би вплинути на виконання зобов’язань перед гостями та партнерами готелю.Коментуючи поширені у засобах масової інформації безпідст...
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